・Musician in 18th century → better life
・Musician ⇆ Patron
・Patronage = Under which the artist depended upon a protector to ensure the necessities of life, persisted during the production of a sinle work or over the long term
・当時の報酬:Cash, firewood, wine etc...
・Good Opera is by Esterhaza
・Composer: Duties and rewards → long term relationship
・Written either for solo instrument / for instruments with basso continuo, accompanied solo keyboard / string quartet
・Music → wealth → when time is rich = able to support musician
・Financial independence by publishing music
【Music Publishing】
・great effect on the composer and writer
・the great effect on the composer and the writer: financial independence
・a new system of home music making
・growing demand for music in the home and concert hall
・the main center for music painting; Amesterdam, London and Paris
【Printed Music・Music in the Home】
・growth of individual lesson of patron
・practice of music making in the home
・continued to increase and the medium of performance continued to change
・virtuoso ideal to section so f the amature to public
John Walsh:
・an important publisher from London
・Kept a close touch with European musical taste
【Material Copied】
・an unauthorized public
・sell his compositions on the open market
【Music Catalogue】
・the greatest historical interest
・ID of compositions from this time
・J.S Bach, Scarlatti, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven他、各作曲者のカタログナンバー
【Sellers of musical instruments】
・Instructional literature → Pass on their technique
・Works were printed as basic instruction on an instrument
・Collection of well-known tunes / suites and sonata →『Lessons』
・the basic technique of the instrument to complete mastery
・Quantz = Flute (1752)
・CPE Bach = Keyboard (1753)
・L. Mozart = Violin (1756)
【18th century】
・growth of publishing industry and developement of the public concert
・the most important for modern world